Sunday, April 27, 2014


PLC Sharing

This video is about Problem Solving in the Classroom.

More specifically, we talked about how we can help the students work on their problem solving skills and how we can have the students demonstrate their problems solving skills.  

[There is audio in sections of this video, so be warned of sudden, startling narration.]

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Idea 1: Nate will ask students what their top two or three mechanical writing problems are, then set a date to get help from Mr. M. These problems may be small errors that they made on papers. This will be a semester or year-long process of improvement. Together they will find tools and set dates and goals and propose a strategy to work on improving these areas. These may include capitalization, punctuation, quotations, commas, etc. Data will be kept in one place and mastery of topics will be tracked. This will also encourage mindfulness about their challenges.

Idea 2: Lon in World Religions will ask kids to solve puzzles such as "What does it mean to be a Muslim in Duluth?". They would research and write about their findings. They may find local stories and anecdotes from community members to add to their understanding.

Idea 3: Karen will do activities such as destination imagination challenges and write their reflection about what they did to solve the challenge using a blog to post their reflections. Using the Ipad to post encourages their participation. They may write about their approach to the challenge or what they observed as the kids solved the challenge.

Idea 4: Paul will use some of the math questions from the AMC math tests as a class challenge problem. The problems/challenges will have to be chosen specifically for the level of the class and their experience in solving difficult problems.

Idea 5: Anne will also use challenging questions as part of the homework assignments, encouraging them to try the challenges with a game format, i.e. "phone a friend", or "get one google search" to help them solve. Flipping the classroom has given them more time in class to work on homework.

Idea 6: Kelly ditto: put math league problems on group quizzes and homework. Flipping lessons may allow time in class to work on the challenge problems. In some cases they need life lessons in common sense to help them solve problems.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Here are a series of comments and reflections--a sort of stream-of consciousness report--on our labors up through January 30th:

“Ask students to describe their problem-solving process in writing…One challenge--or, better, ‘puzzle’--is strategizing how to cultivate the patience or mindfulness necessary to be able to describe processes...In math, Anne requires students to solve an interesting puzzle and write a paragraph explaining HOW they chose to solve it. The correct answer is not the focus of the lesson, the process is.

“Replace a potentially threatening term (or at least an imposing one) with a more playful term: use ‘puzzle’ rather than ‘problem’..."

“Be conscious of the various student attitudes toward process: some minds are open to process and some minds are hostile to it..."

“Students are awarded partial credit in most classes for showing their problem solving process as part of coming up with the correct solution...”

“Regarding tools for managing and organizing their thoughts, consider whether concept maps are more effective for some students than outlines..."

“Consider the effectiveness of posing puzzles/problems which require multiple days to solve, perhaps alternating between concentrated exertion and time for the mind to stew or settle or relax…"

“Students seeing the routes/paths other students took to get somewhere is helpful…”

“Recording our own process in a screen recording or otherwise to demonstrate how WE got somewhere…”

“Asking the right questions of the students is crucial to their level of involvement and eventual success in solving problems.”

“Students want to jump to the “how do you solve this” step before doing the groundwork of understanding the problem and organizing a solution method”

“I was thinking that long-term problem solving work might be a really cool way to spend advisory. If we could allow our advisees to come up with puzzles/problems and spend part of the year solving.”

“Opportunities to use problem solving in our classrooms: Eighth grade will be partnering with a school from Sweden soon. We can post a question that both groups can tackle and solve either as a group or with individuals. The question may be short or long term and can be tied into the Olympics topics that we will be using as our theme.”

Friday, January 10, 2014

Recent Problem Solving Experience in Honors British Literature

Recent Problem Solving Experience in Honors British Literature

In Honors British Literature, I assigned my students to make infographic resumes/profiles of literary characters. Click here for some real-world examples.

An infographic, I told them, is not just a poster with pictures and text. A good infographic has fewer words than it has images: graphs, icons, maps, etc. Click here for a good example. Here is one that actually moves.

Of course, I didn't expect my students to be able, yet, to make something as impressive and professional as these, but I wanted them to try.

I gave them four tools to use:, piktochart, venngage, or

I also gave them two of my own attempts, although they aren't finished. I was reluctant to try show them too much because I didn't want to give them any ideas.

My examples are here and here. They are not as serious as I would like the students to have theirs be, but I thought they would be helpful.

The students soon ran into some problems.
  1. None of these online tools are designed for collaborative work. Since this is a group assignment, they needed to figure out how that would work when they worked at home. Some groups decided that they would just text each other when they were going to work on it and text when they were finished, so they could avoid the problems of too many cooks spoiling the dinner, so to speak. Other groups decided that they would just have one person manipulating the infographic itself while the others supplied the quotations, ideas, etc.  They did run into some problems, with things being deleted or not saving and two students doing similar work without knowing it.  
  2. Some groups realized right away that coming up with interesting and insightful graphs or charts sounds fun, but they struggled with actually coming up with ideas. It was interesting to see the students' puzzling this out. Using a numerical spreadsheet to make a graphical representation of ideas, personalities, or events in a story is new to them and they struggled.   In order to make a graph like the one below, they need to populate a spreadsheet like this one.  
    For me, the best way is to look at the various sorts of charts a person can make and see if there is any way to use it for my own purpose. Other students were drawing things on paper and loudly brainstorming. In the end, most of the groups came up with good ideas.
  3. All of the groups struggled with the online infographic tools and had to solve those problems--sometimes over and over. All four of the tools can be glitchy, they have limited icons for free users to use, and this sort of work is almost totally new to all of the them.
Overall, I would say that I had some concerns before starting, but it did work out well. I was worried that the students would spend the majority of their intellectual energy on design and fonts and not on the exploration of the text and characters. I think they focused on the proper things, though, in the end. I was also worried that they needed to have very thorough walkthroughs of all four tools in order to get anything even started. I refrained, though, in an effort to let them solve their own problems.

I am mostly happy with the outcome. Their work could be better.  They could have tried a bit more to be creative, and they could have included more textual evidence.

However, it was a worthwhile assignment and it was successful, for the most part.

Click here to see them all.  This is perhaps the best one: click here.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Present at our first gathering in December: Wendy Carter (now sadly lost to the Robotics Team), Nate Mattson, Kelly Momsen, Paul Pearson, Karen Snyder, Lon Weaver, and Cheryl Wulff.

After reflecting on the first meeting and the participants additional comments thereafter, I think the discoveries of members of the group can be generally divided into three areas: (1) barriers to problem-solving, (2) processes for problem-solving, and (3) pedagogical responsibilities and institutional implications for the teaching of problem-solving.

Barriers to problem-solving were noted by Cheryl and Kelly. Cheryl has noted that students tend not to have problem solving skills and require greater opportunities for independent, non-teacher-dependent problem solving. Kelly attributes the absence of—or hesitance to cultivate—problem-solving skills to fear of failure and obsession with having to have the right answer.

Wendy, Paul, Nate, and Lon addressed the process of problem-solving. Wendy and Lon addressed the difference between the types and/or stages of problem-solving. Wendy noted that in science there is both a creative, generative step for developing solutions as well as an exploratory, evaluative step in which critical thinking is core to scientific studies. Lon saw a similar distinction between creative problem-solving in which brainstorming generated ideas and reflective problem-solving which honed in on solutions, both of them key to ethical practice. Nate reflected on the need for the inclusion of problem-solving opportunities in the study of English, especially related to the interpretation of materials in nonfiction. Paul pointed to the work of George Polya, specifically his four-step framework of “(1) understanding a problem, (2) devising a plan, (3) carrying out the plan,” and (4) reviewing the process. He noted that teachers and students, alike, are tempted to jumping to step three without due care in completing steps 1 and 2.

Finally, Karen addressed the pedagogical and institutional significance of problem-solving. First, she pointed to the importance of both modeling problem-solving and tenaciously coaching students in the practice. Second, she noted the importance of doing foundational work in problem-solving in the middle school to provide the basis for honing the skill in the upper school.